スティーブ・クックのインスタグラム(stevecook) - 1月3日 12時38分

While I think anytime of the year is a good time to set goals and resolutions, I think it’s always fun to start the year off fresh with goals in mind. Here are my top 10.
1. Grow @fitnessculture_ Gym and training app to its potential ( so excited to show it to you all)
2. Count Macros Monday-Friday
3. Get into a good routine (wake up and go to bed early)
4. Do more charity work (serving others is happiness)
5. Get into nature more often (that’s where I feel close to God)
6. Create more quality useful YouTube content
7. Travel to 3 new places in the world
8. Start a supplement company I can be proud of and that other quality people want to be a part of!
9. READ more SM Less
10. Meditate and stress less
Bonus - don’t text and drive!
Join me and @gymshark and join the 66 day challenge. Go watch my story and swipe up on the gym shark video


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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