TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 11月10日 07時20分

Filmmaker and activist Jen Brea was a healthy, active grad student when she was suddenly diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), a chronic illness that can cause debilitating fatigue, pain, and more. Before her diagnosis, doctors didn’t believe her when she explained the severity of her symptoms. When she showed them a video of herself crying in pain on the floor that she recorded using her phone, the conversation changed. That moment inspired her to make Unrest, a documentary that chronicles her life with a lifelong illness that doctors still don’t fully understand. Her work has given a voice and new hope to the disabled community and the millions of people who struggle with ME. @jen.brea is also a @TEDFellow, and she joined us at TED’s office for a Facebook Live this afternoon to tell us more about her experience and work. Watch the interview at go.ted.com/jenbrealive, and watch her talk at go.ted.com/unrest. Unrest is available on Amazon and iTunes now.
Photo courtesy of @unrestfilm


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