カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 9月5日 21時24分

When we talk about Motivation.. We MUST Talk About @danalinnbailey and how she is the baddest! MOST hardworking influential woman not just in the fitness industry but in LIFE as a whole!! Shout out to @crossfitriders and showing myself @アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー & @danalinnbailey RESPECT & LOVE. When asked, why'd ya'll pick us beautiful people. Hah! I'm speaking for Dana & Arnold cause I'm a face other a mother can love. They simply said because you guys motivate us... you guys stay true to who YOU ARE... that's what the gym represents, the images push us past what we thought was once impossible. Well... @crossfitriders here's to ONE MORE REP!! & Were honored to be apart of Limitless Possibilities!!! #RESPECT!!! .
Thoughts Become Things!


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