カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 9月4日 22時25分

If you look at your body as a whole, there are areas that may look more mature than others. Whether you’re an avid gym goer or Professional Athlete, you maybe able to do 15-20 pull ups in a set but still have no body of work to show for it. This "absence of body" comes from the absence of mind. Your mind must be intact. You must be laser focused. The key is be willing to push yourself to a different place from both a physical and mental standpoint. A place that requires sacrifice and allows the body to perform at a different level. You have to be able to tap into the mind to muscle connection to ignite those neurological pathways when needed. It’s all a process and the stimulation from each and every rep that creates the musculature needed for growth.
**Learn the Mind to Muscle Connection | For Online Coaching Email ?? Kai@officialkaigreene.com

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