カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 8月30日 01時20分

Self Awareness, diligent thinking, and lots of hard ass work has lead us to our current state. If we think back to the key forces that lead this vessel forward, I would recall a combination of many different trials and tribulations that transpired us to be here in the now. In the beginning it wasn’t so much the competition side of the sport that served as self fulfillment, more so seeing the limits of the human body and how far it could be pushed so that this new armour could be added on. Seeing these changes, becoming aware of these changes, took what was once considered to be an outlandish idea and brought it to life. Thousands of hours towards perfecting ones craft and having competed all over the world gave proof that the more properly prepared one comes, the more likely the recognition. We look back, analyze and reflect from time and time, but there's still an abundant amount of potential, I still see new limits and goals to conquer. Concentrating so hard on what is in the present and what comes next on the horizon.
If you’re having a difficulty finding the right direction and honing in on your own greatness let's come together to find the right system of attack. #LetsWORK #OneStepAtATime #KaiGreene .
For Online Coaching | ?Email Kai@officialkaigreene.com

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