Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 8月14日 21時16分

I spent yesterday in Florence on a day trip for work. The home to the Italian renaissance is always inspiring to visit. Although, frankly, I expected fewer tourists and open shops on the Sunday right before ferragosto (August 15th, the peak of Italian summer holidays where everything is closed and everyone is away). Nonetheless I managed to have some good Florentine specialities including wine, finocchiello salame, and even some fried tripe! (Yes, it apparently exists, if you're thinking what I thought when I read about it).
I also managed to quickly meet dear Florence resident @emikodavies and our very own @alicekiandra.adams who was also on a day trip in Florence.

#LabNoonFood #FlavorsAndEncounters


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