ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月9日 00時42分

Every day in Syria, parents of children with cancer face a wrenching choice: risk traveling for treatment, or risk forgoing it. Some parents who choose to travel have to leave their other kids behind in cities being bombed. For months, away from their families, they live alone in shelters and cheap hotels so their sick children can get treatment. In Syria these days, people talk about a ‘‘cancer of fears.’’ They blame the tumors in the bodies of their children on the traumas of war; on the daily fear of government airstrikes and opposition attacks; on the fumes they've breathed in from the use of dirty fuel since oil fields were taken over by ISIS; on bodies weakened and warped from shortages of food. Many fear that even if the war ends, the conflict will affect the health of future generations. Parents of children being treated at Al-Bayrouni University Hospital, a cancer center in Damascus, fear that the war was the cause of their children’s cancers. That's hard to prove or disprove. But the effects of the war on treatment and survival rates are clear. ‘‘The war is easier on me than the sickness of my child,’’ said Mediyah, whose 7-year-old daughter Fatima — a leukemia patient at Al-Bayrouni— was photographed here by @sebastianliste for @nytmag.


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