リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 7月17日 11時27分

The 117 SAF officers in the First Batch were volunteer career soldiers. They came from all walks of life. Signing up was a leap of faith, and no small commitment. But they served loyally and wholeheartedly, and contributed greatly to building the SAF. As pioneers, their careers and experiences were unique. They truly deserve to be called ‘One of a Kind’! Greatly honoured to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the first SAFTI Commissioning Parade with the First Batch officers last night. For half a century, they have been meeting every year on the anniversary – July 16th. It testifies to the depth of their friendship and camaraderie.
Singapore owes a debt of gratitude to the First Batch officers. I wish you many more happy gatherings! Your legacy lives on in generations of SAF servicemen and Singaporeans. – LHL (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)


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