Simple Green Smoothiesのインスタグラム(simplegreensmoothies) - 5月17日 14時34分

I'd say two of the best rule-ish decisions my husband and I have made when it comes to parenting are:
#1: Removing all corn syrup from our diet in 2010 and haven't looked back. This quickly helped my son stop getting "cold + ear infections" when he was 2 years old and really got me interested in understanding what was in food and why it mattered. I learned firsthand how food truly can be our medicine or our sickness.
#2: We don't allow our kids to watch TV... or Netflix... or play video games or use our iPhone or anything relating to screen time...except on a very rare occasion (like a movie once a month). Setting this framework has taught my kids the joy of reading and they have truly fallen in love with books (which you can see from this adorable pic!). They've also fallen in love with nature and the outdoors, which makes me very happy! I loooove being outside!
Interested in this kid-friendly recipe? It's Beginner's Luck, which has 2 cups spinach, 2 cups water, 1 cup mango, 1 cup pineapple and 2 bananas. Almost every kid who's every tried it asks for more.
What are some of your parenting wins? Or what do you think we're good rules that your parents had for you as a kid?


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