Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 5月2日 05時13分

#MayDay has almost come to an end. I can almost hear the big concert at San Giovanni square —Rome's signature celebration of the #LabourDay— from where I'm standing now; the kitchen of the new home, where I moved yesterday. I am surrounded by countless boxes and bags (that took me sleepless nights to pack), and although I have unpacked and cleaned all day, the place still looks exactly like it did yesterday. However, I am incredibly happy about being here, to the point I have no words to describe it now (every single cell of my body is exhausted). There's so much I would like to tell you about this new home and adventure. Because it's not going to be simply another apartment, I will be opening the doors and we can finally take this thing offline and interact in person. Enough spoiler now! I will make proper announcements at the right moment. I hope you have enjoyed your May day. Here's my salut to the most amazing #April that was full of satisfaction and gratitude. Cheers to May! ?✨?
#LabNoon #LabNoonHome


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