ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月29日 18時16分

So last night I was that twat who goes to pizza express and has a salad ?. I sat and watched my mate and her daughter demolish 2 pizzas AND ice cream!! I had the superfood salad (switching the usual dressing to just Olive oil) and I had a green tea. Rock N Roll ?? Those that know me know that pizza is my FAVOURITE food ever! But last night wasn't as difficult as I thought. I've set my mind to this 12 week program and I'm starting to strangely enjoy it. You can still be sociable and make better choices for what suits you and your goal at that time. I'm out today with all my close girlfriends but I'm driving. Because although I can party like a rockstar ?I can't recover like one and tomorrow is my cardio day. Today I'm not training at all. I'm resting and recovering and giving my body a break. I 1000% will demolish a pizza again, just not over the next month or so, and that's fine with me. To anyone wanting to make a healthier choice when dining out, check the menu first on line so you can weigh up your options. Set your macros for that day around your meal out and enjoy it. You don't have to be a miserable hermit during a transformation, well not on only day 13 anyway... I'm sure my time will come though ? Happy Bank Holiday Weekend!


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