ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月26日 23時06分

Starting to feel tired today ?? and my legs are quite sore from yesterday. Totally expected though so I'm sucking it up and riding it out! Decided to take my cardio outside and rather than 45 mins on my home bike I'm taking the dogs for a long power walk. Fresh air always perks me up. In any program or transformation or in reaching a goal there will be times when you feel like crap and feel like throwing in the towel. That's normal. What makes it worth while is pushing through those days and thinking about what you want most as apposed to what you want now. This 12wk challenge @upfitnesslive is, for me, more about a mental challenge as apposed to the physical. The last time I was mentally challenged to the brink was 10 years ago hiking for a week on the Great Wall of China. It was horrendous at times. BUT I did it. And I can do this too. Keep going to anyone else who is on their fitness journey! ???? we got this ?


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