Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 3月2日 06時04分

Post-hip thrust bicep pump? I’ll take it lol! ? Almost closing in on this mini cut, then ready to build build build for my improvement season.
I’ve been asked about my competition goals and when I’ll be stepping on stage again. As I've done similar with my first two shows, I’ll be taking a long off season of about 12-18 months. This time will be dedicated to physical growth and intuitive practices to initiate nutrition, training loads, and recovery. Depending on how I feel in terms of my readiness (physically and mentally), I’ll be competing in 2018.
But for now, I’ve got TONS of missed Menchie dates to catch up on (Ryan if you’re reading this can we do Menchies for date night this weekend #PlzAndThanks #ExtraAnabolicSprinklesAlso #LoveYahhh #EvenMoreThanILoveFroyo #CanYaBelieveIt)


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