ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月11日 02時31分

When strangers are shocked to learn that Ed Simons is 100 years old, Ed likes to extend his longevity. His love for music, he says, “started before I was born.” It was inspired by his father, who played Mozart symphonies on a Victrola. “I could hear the music in my mom’s belly,” said Ed, who is now — and still — an orchestra conductor. Growing up in Pittsburgh, Ed was playing violin by age 9. His first teacher admonished him by hitting his hand with the bow, so Ed started slipping into concerts to observe and emulate accomplished violinists, instead. These days, he perform, teaches and conducts the Rockland Symphony Orchestra, which he founded in 1952. He takes his violin everywhere, even to the mechanic. “The sound of an orchestra has become a part of my mind,” he said. “Many times at night, I can’t fall asleep because music is going on in my head. I’m laying in bed and I have to tell myself, ‘Stop playing.’ But the music keeps on going.” @fredrconrad photographed Ed while on #nytassignment.

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