ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月8日 22時44分

For nearly 700 miles along the American border with Mexico, a wall already exists. It passes through the silt deserts of Sonora, where cacti grow like organ pipes. Farther east, heavy steel X-frames cut through the flat miles of sun-bleached grass like battlefield markers. In Texas, the red-tinged beams that make up parts of the border fence are cold, hard and rough to the touch. In Tijuana, 2 fences – one old, the other more recent – plunge all the way into the ocean, where waves corrode the stanchioned metal. @bdentonphoto photographed that part of the wall, pictured here. President Trump’s executive order to begin the construction of a wall between the 2 countries has left many wondering what it will mean for them and the future. Visit the link in our profile to read more and tap on our profile image to see a related #InstagramStory.


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