Kate Oliverのインスタグラム(birchandpine) - 1月20日 23時03分

I'd like to say, "if you'll need me, this is where I'll be all day", but we already did that - on a November morn when our entire world was turned upside down, when we sat in silence and shock. Life goes on, even for #familieslikemine, life has gone on. This is not to say I'm not fearful of what's to come, I am. That alone is a reason to fight. To work. To unite. For all the mess, people ARE talking. Friends and people we meet are listening to what it's like for us now - what we face as a same sex couple, every day - in the workplace, in the grocery store, with family, and with people we know and trust, who haven't been aware of their own ignorance in their speech and action toward us - until now. Conversations are starting. Ellen and I are understanding our own privilege in ways we've taken for granted for far too long - we have SO MUCH. I'm seeing so much beauty spill out of this unimaginable thing we are ALL facing: conversations started, movement, action - and while there is yet more ugliness and darkness to come, the light IS there. Wishing I could be with so many sisters this weekend, marching together - my heart is with you all - let's keep moving, friends. Let us not sit idle. Let us not hunker down and hide behind our privilege - it's too easy to do.


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