Kate Oliverのインスタグラム(birchandpine) - 1月10日 05時54分

Everything we are working on - starting not one, but two businesses - is all happening because we decided to travel three years ago. Sometimes it feels like our journey is over, but it's really just beginning, and it all started with making a decision that we needed and wanted more in life and to go after it and we did and we still are. We've been pulling photographs and films taken on our travels for our websites and I came across this one of me and my daughter...and all I know is that we have to get back to this. We just have to. Somehow, some way, and soon. It's been over a year now - and the longing for the road, the ache for that life - it just gets stronger by the day. I see me here, happy, healthy, smiling, living - and I know it's where I belong, where our family belongs.
Many thanks to our dearests, @peterjschweitzer and @thegypsykate, for taking us to this beautiful place and being our friends.


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