ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月11日 10時06分

Bikers coasted down mountainous terrain in Costa Rica during the second day of La Ruta de los Conquistadores. Even for the most experienced cyclists, the 3-day #mountainbike race can be physically and emotionally draining. The worst part was Day 2, which was as tough as Román Urbina, the race’s founder, had promised. At one point that day, riders were forced to carry or roll their bikes straight up a laughably steep mountain path. At the top of a 6-mile climb, giant white windmills overlooking San José could be seen on one side, and a green, lush valley on the other. But the competitors ignored the view. During the climb, some riders fainted from exhaustion. And while making their ascent, several Canadians came upon a farmer, who watched as they hauled their bikes uphill and shouted to them, “Estúpido!” None of the riders disagreed. @scottymacphoto photographed the world’s toughest bicycle race while on #nytassignment in Costa Rica. Visit the link in our profile to read more. #?


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