ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月29日 08時06分

At 98, @Taoporchonlynch is a poster child for the active life. Despite her 3 hip replacements, she teaches 90-minute #yoga classes and gives private lessons. She travels regularly. She’s a dynamic dresser and confident driver. And she’s a competitive ballroom dancer — whose partner happens to be more than 70 years younger than her. As a rare elderly star on the #yogalebrity circuit, @Taoporchonlynch has the kind of exceptional marketing potential seen in the nonagenarians @iris.apfel and @bettymwhite. Despite all of the attention she gets from social media, though, she is anything but new to #yoga. It all started when she was 8, living in India, and she spotted young boys doing yoga on a beach. “I went to my aunt and said, ‘Can they let me be part of it?’ ” she recalled. Her aunt told her it wasn’t ladylike. “So I started doing it.” In the years that followed, @Taoporchonlynch traveled with Mahatma Gandhi; she joined a dance troupe that entertained soldiers during World War II; she founded the American Wine Society with her husband. Today, she only drinks tea and wine. Visit the link in our profile to read more about what it takes to be the oldest living yoga celebrity, and to see more photos by @jenniferaltman. #?


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