ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月6日 04時20分

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (@cmhr_mcdp) gives visitors many opportunities for contemplation. But one subject goes unmentioned by the museum: visitors might consider the fact that the water flowing through the museum’s reflection pools comes from a lake on an aboriginal reserve where residents haven’t had safe drinking water for almost 2 decades. @cmhr_mcdp, an architectural tour de force in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is the first national museum in #Canada outside Ottawa. But in Manitoba, a province where more than 75% of aboriginal children live in poverty, @cmhr_mcdp has become a symbol of the contradictions that exist between the country’s multicultural identity and what critics say is an unreconciled legacy of #humanrights violations. For hundreds of years, indigenous people were victims of state policies written to eradicate their cultures, appropriate their lands and deny them political autonomy. And despite a number of exhibits on the oppression of indigenous peoples, critics say @cmhr_mcdp could do more to address uncomfortable truths about Canada's past and present. The photographer @avelkaim visited @cmhr_mcdp while on #nytassignment.


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