ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月28日 21時52分

From Times Square to Angkor Wat, large groups of Chinese tourists are a common sight. But now they’re pumping cash into a new destination: China. Last year, travelers in China took 4 billion domestic trips — twice the number they took they took in 2010, and significantly more than the 122 million journeys they took abroad, statistics show. Hoping that the country’s swelling middle class will spend more on leisure and entertainment, thereby creating jobs in hotels, airlines and restaurants, the Chinese government is encouraging families to pack up and go. At the center of the push is #HainanProvince, often called the Chinese Hawaii. In 2009, China designated #Hainan an “international tourism island” and unleashed a torrent of investment, including the construction of a high-speed railway and new airport. Last year, nearly 15 million tourists arrived in #Sanya, a picturesque Hainan port city. 98% of the visitors were Chinese. @yuyang_liu_ took this photo of tourists playing in #YalongBay in Sanya, China.


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