ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月2日 11時37分

Would you take in a refugee? In Canada, ordinary citizens can form groups and personally resettle a refugee family. When Muaz and Sawsan Ballani and their 2-year-old son arrived in #Toronto in February, they seemed disoriented and alone. The couple — who fled Syria a month after they got married — had been languishing in Jordan. But Leslie Scrivener, right, is one of the Canadians who helped welcome Sawsan, 20, and her family. Months later, at a spring potluck, Sawsan described how she had recently taken the subway by herself. The sponsors around the table, firm feminists, asked what else she might like to do on her own. Sawsan turned to her husband. “I’m going to ask you an honest question,” she said. “Would you let me work here?” This #CanadaDay, visit the link in our profile to read about how Canadian hockey moms, poker buddies and grandparents are adopting Syrians with nowhere else to turn. We've been sharing photographs by @ニューヨーク・タイムズ photographer @damonwinter. Follow him to see more. #??


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