ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月30日 22時12分

They call themselves the @triotorio. When Leila, Liina and Lily Luik were born nearly 31 years ago in Estonia, none weighed more than 4 and a half pounds. Now, the alliterative sisters are #Olympic marathon runners, and they're believed to be the first #triplets to have qualified for the Winter or Summer @オリンピック. Something else that sets them apart: #Estonia has little tradition of female distance running and a population of only 1.3 million. Although the @triotorio didn’t start running seriously until 6 years ago, Leila now has a personal best of 2 hours 37 minutes 11 seconds. Liina’s fastest time is 2:39:42, and Lily’s is 2:40:30. Coincidentally or not, their order of career bests matches their order of birth. To achieve their best results at @リオ五輪2016 they know they may have to run apart, not together. But, Leila said, “3 together, we get so much energy from each other. No one wants to be the slowest. We push, push, push.” David B. Torch (@dbrendant) photographed the @triotorio on their way home from dinner one night this month in Tartu, #Estonia. #roadtorio #???


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