ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月1日 21時06分

Until they moved to Toronto earlier this year, these siblings from Syria had never attended school. Along with their parents, Mouhamad and Wissam Ahmed, they’d spent years in a refugee camp in Lebanon, and tuition was too expensive. But working with friends, Carole Atkins — pictured here with Majed, left, Zahiya, and Moutayam — helped get the kids an education. In #Canada, ordinary citizens can form groups and personally resettle — essentially adopt — a refugee family. Now, the 10-year-old twins, Majed and Zahiya, spend bus rides to school exchanging language lessons with a pair of Chinese brothers. This #CanadaDay, visit the link in our profile to read about how ordinary Canadians are embracing Syrian #refugees, one family at a time. We’ll be sharing more portraits by @damonwinter later today. #??


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