Paige Hathawayのインスタグラム(paigehathaway) - 6月1日 08時39分

clip from SNAPCHAT ? PHFIT
I'm a true ectomorph. I've always had lightning fast metabolism and naturally lacked muscle and strength. It had always been extremely hard for me to gain weight and it's super easy for me to lose it and at a rapid pace if my environment pertaining to my diet and training are not aligned. (Like missing meals and lagging workouts due traveling or a hectic schedule) Ive been on a slow clean bulk for about a month now. Carb cycling 250g of carbs (to test to see how my body responds) minimal cardio and I'm playing around with my lifting as well. (I'm thinking about YouTube my process) Have you ever done a "bulk" before? What was your experience? What body type do you have and what are or have been some "struggles/road blocks" in your fitness journey?


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