シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 4月12日 02時25分

I'm very pleased to introduce you to MY NEW WEBSITE!!! ➡ link in my bio

The features are the same than before with my bio, blogs, climbs, rankings, galleries, sponsors, guidebooks and videos. What has changed? Well : (1) the most important : the possibility to switch IN ENGLISH ? , (2) the look which is more pure, (3) some ergonomic improvements through the pages.

I am very happy to have now the opportunity to share my adventures with all the non-French speakers too! Don't miss the article below that summarize the features you can find.
Finally I'd like to say a big MERCI to my bro @tomdurif for the work done!

Enjoy the visit ? @petzl_official @eb_climbing @ @volxholds


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