シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 4月22日 02時14分

Wow the time goes by quick! It's already Thursday... You'll find in my Facebook page my best action from last weekend when I attended to the Speed French Championship. I'm very happy with my time of 10.97 and my 7th place. They are both similar to my performance in 2014, which I think is a sign... And I like good signs ?

My gear for speed this year will be the @petzl_official SITTA harness and the @eb_climbing Guardian shoes, they are a very good combo of comfort, precision and lightness ?

Here is a pic of me with my friend and national champion Anouck Jaubert during our duel... let me tell you I had no chance ?

@ @volxholds @petzl_official @eb_climbing


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