シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 5月3日 21時56分

700 and Counting — From Hard Routes to Bolting New Lines with @シャーロット・デュリフ

On August 30th 2022 I clipped the chains of "700 and Counting", 8a+ in Kyparissi, Greece. "700 and Counting" is a 30-meter route located in the middle of the Tragana Sector in beautiful Kyparissi, Greece. It starts by following a mega tufa that climbs like a chimney. A precarious move to exit that tufa leads you to a few slabby moves before attacking the second part of the route, which is much steeper and more physical. The last 10 meters are what attracted my eyes to bolt this route: a single, beautiful tufa, 20 to 30 cm wide, sticking out up to 50 cm, surrounded by slick rock and wrapping along the overhang.

"Not outstanding nowadays" you might say, but let me give you some context. Sending this route specifically marks the accomplishment of my goal for this year, meaning that I've now climbed 700 routes in the range of 8a to 9a in my life, so far.

Last February, while checking my personal website, where I log in all my ascents, I realized my list of routes "8a or harder" was at 683. It made me think: let's try to climb 17 routes in this grade range this year, so I can reach 700! While some years ago I would have climbed that over summer holidays, my ascents have been more sparse over the last few years due to the pandemic, so it seemed like a real challenge. It was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it pushed me to climb around my home in Salt Lake City a lot more than I used to. It allowed me to discover some nice little gems around the valley during afternoon trips. On the other hand, it made me stay in the 8a or 8a+ range so I was sure to climb it in a day. Sometimes this caused me to miss out on the most attractive lines (either easier or harder), which is really what I'm inspired by when I climb nowadays.

📸 @coldhousemedia & @joshlrsn

#climbing #climber #bolting

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