シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 3月8日 02時59分

Historical moment in my competition career last week-end at the French bouldering Nationals: first time EVER I don't access to a semi final round in a comp, every age or discipline (but speed). It's kind of a funny way to put it, as I can't really feel any disappointment concerning my climbing : I topped the 5 boulders in qualis, but I gave few tries to send a slab with volumes (in the picture here). With a really easy round (35 climbers topped their 5 boulders ?!!!!) my little mistakes cost me the spot in semis and I ended up in the 26th place.
A big congrats to the new French bouldering Champions Clémentine Kaiser and Pascal Gagneux :) and also to all the finalists because they all did great and the results were very tight!

Best for the end: the organization was killer! Thank's a lot to all the organizers, volunteers, the CREPS de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, Christopher and Festivisuel for putting up such a great event.
@ @petzl_official @volxholds @eb_climbing


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