シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 3月4日 02時57分

Okay the 2016 season is getting serious! As many of my french fellows, I'm leaving to our bouldering nationals tomorrow!
After 7months without comps and a knee doing so-so, I'm shared between excitment, stress, envy, fear, doubts and wishes... well I guess that's kinda the deal with comps anyway ?

More than anything, I'm expecting and ready to try hard like last year, as we can see here on the ? from @marc_daviet.

Looking forward to be there, see some good friends and climb for my local team colors: Le Tag de Tournefeuille !

Wish me sh*t ? (that's how we wish good luck in French... ahah!) @petzl_official @ @eb_climbing @volxholds


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