ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月8日 12時22分

Hold the bomb under your armpit to keep it steady, the women and girls were taught. “If you cut from the back of the neck, they die faster,” said Rahila Amos, a Nigerian grandmother, describing instructions Boko Haram gave her when she was enlisted to become a suicide bomber. One of the world’s deadliest extremist groups has used at least 105 women and girls in suicide attacks since June 2014. Female suicide bombers have been used by extremists for decades. In many ways, they make ideal weapons. At security points run by men, for instance, they’re often searched less thoroughly, if at all. Of the 30 or so women who were captured and enrolled in training with Rahila, 7 were enthusiastic about carrying out suicide missions, she said. “It was a direct path to heaven,” she said the group was told. Today, having escaped her captors, Rahila is one of 58,000 people living in a refugee camp in Cameroon, where @ニューヨーク・タイムズ staff photographer Tyler Hicks photographed her.


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