thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 12月8日 23時11分

Photo: @rezaphotography // Fragile Ice // The Amur River, #russia!
Here I am on assignment for National Geographic on the banks of the Amur River, the natural border stretching three kilometers wide which separates two giants: China and Russia. I had just passed part of the winter in this region, moving from one bank to another. The cold froze my mustache, and my film. Working in minus 40 °C is a real challenge!

The harbingers of spring are thus very welcome. The thaw has begun and people come out to enjoy it. Vodka and picnics on the as yet non-existent grass are de rigueur. A festive ambiance prevails. Voices, laughter, and the singing of popular songs blend with the sound of colliding ice floes coasting along and clashing. Two young girls sporting mini skirts brave the cold. Since youth is by definition carefree, they leap from floe to floe, catching each other by the hand at the last minute. I watch them from the bank, as close to the edge as possible, in order to capture this fragile balancing act.

Published in "Derrière L'objectif" (Hoëbeke Publishing, 2010) and Reporters Without Borders ( 2008)

#amur #river #ice #nature #fragile #spring #cold #frozen #joy #happiness #girl #brave #sportive #photooftheday #photojournalism #reza #rezadeghati #rezaphotography #webistan #رضادقتى# عكاس @thephotosociety


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