musicのインスタグラム(music) - 6月1日 03時22分

“I love certain tones, like whites and browns and reds and oranges. But the most important thing is lighting … Stepping back and looking through it is the same way that I approach music. When you write you have to listen with an outside ear, the same way you have to look with an outside eye. It’s easy to get pulled in when you’re creating or you’re taking a photo. But to be able to look at it like it was from somebody else, I use that a lot with music and photography … You write and rewrite. Maybe the melody should be a French horn or maybe it should be a cello. There’s no right or wrong answer to photography or music, it’s just which route do you want to go.” —Film composer and photographer Eric von Fricken (@ericchristian#DoubleTrack
Photo by @ericchristian


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