musicのインスタグラム(music) - 5月27日 00時21分

Brian Wilson (@ブライアン・ウィルソン) of the Beach Boys was always the reclusive genius –– the guy in the back writing the gorgeous melodies, branching out in new directions the band wasn’t always happy with. He also spent decades wrestling with his demons. So how do you reconcile the sunny, palm tree past of the group’s early image with the future when the middle section of your life has been pulled out from under you? For Brian, you just keep plugging away and writing songs –– about California, about the beach. You take care of your most important tool, your voice. (“It’s gotten a little lower,” he says. “I can’t go quite as high as I used to.”) And you continue to try something distinctive and different. Along the way, if you share those happy memories with fans –– throwback photos of the Beach Boys, live concerts and events, recent pictures of yourself in the place you have always felt most comfortable (the studio) –– then the sounds of summer will never end.
Photo by @ブライアン・ウィルソン


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