メロディー・モリタのインスタグラム(melodeemorita) - 1月24日 07時09分

The #1 most popular and loved actress in Japan I exclusively interviewed was Haruka Ayase!!✨ She is my absolute favorite and inspiring person in so many ways. Ayase-san also ranked first place for being the celebrity with the most beautiful skin in the *entire* Japanese entertainment industry! Every girl in Japan looks up to her unbelievably flawless and radiant skin, and I was able to ask various questions to unveil her top beauty and skin care secrets. Speaking with her in person and getting to know her very honest and charming personality made me love her even more. You will be able to see my 1 on 1 interview with her on my YouTube Channel very soon! I cannot wait to share this with all of you. Please look forward to it!!☺️❤️
私がインタビューをさせて頂いた大人気女優さんは、芸能界一美肌の綾瀬はるかさんでした!!?✨ 15分の単独インタビューの間、真剣に、そして的確に言葉を選びながら、本当に丁寧に答えて下さいました。綾瀬はるかさんらしい、可愛くてちょっと笑えるエピソードもありますので、私のユーチューブチャンネルでの動画アップをどうぞお楽しみに!!(*^^*)?
#MelodeeMoritaInterviews #HarukaAyase #AyaseHaruka #綾瀬はるか #ChangeDestiny #MelodeeinJapan #MelodeeMorita #メロディーモリタ #SKII


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