Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 12月11日 11時52分

This is the time of year where we indulge a little more than usual but it doesn't mean that we have to fall off completely. Before you write off the holiday season as "bulking season", try taking each day apart from the next when it comes to your eating. Yes, there will be days where you overindulge and eat sugar cookies and eggnog, but that doesn't mean that you can't start fresh the next day. That's the beauty of lifestyle change versus a diet. Your healthy eating habits are ones that you should carry with you through the rest of your life. That way, when you slip up or indulge, you can seamlessly get right back on track the next day or even the next meal. Let's be realistic, we're human. We make mistakes. We want to pig out every once in while and not feel overly guilty for it the next day. So if you're stressing this holiday season, don't. Remember that tomorrow's a new day and with it comes the possibility to start fresh and make better choices. ⛄️#Fitandthick

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