Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 10月15日 06時39分

I have been getting a lot of requests to share my transformation photos with you:
The picture on the left is from one of my very first photoshoots about 4 years ago. At the time, I believed that working out gave me the freedom to eat however I wanted. And when I say working out, I mean running on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes. My body was soft, lacked definition and although I had curves, I had very little muscle mass. I've always had a wide butt, but to get my butt to grow into a shelf so my boyfriend can sit his cup on it ? has always been my struggle. I had to swallow the pill of reality that muscle will never grow if you don't lift weights. Those long bouts of steady cardio without resistance training was doing nothing to build and develop my lower body. I also had to accept the fact that food is the key pillar in the way we look and feel. Learning that the muscle building macro is protein and that the main macronutrient for energy is carbohydrates helped me to put the right fuel into my body before and after training. My goals never included getting down to an 8% body fat, or to see the definition that comes along with it, I just wanted to remain my natural shape in the best way possible and to be able to maintain it through setting realistic goals. #fitandthick #fitandthicktip #transformationtuesday


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