リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 8月31日 12時07分

After welcoming new Singaporeans in Cheng San yesterday afternoon, I presented 150 residents in Teck Ghee their Pioneer Generation Package Welcome Packs.
Teck Ghee is a mature estate and has many Pioneers. Like many other elderly Singaporeans, some of them worry about health and medical expenses, others about retirement funds, and some just about not burdening their children. I hope the benefits of the PG Package will ease their worries about health costs.
Mr See Tow Kok Weng and his wife Mdm Cheng Peh Keng were among the recipients. They insisted on giving me an old photo Mr See had taken of me as a young boy with my parents, and had kept all these years. I was very touched.
Thank you again, Mr & Mrs See, and all Pioneers. I wish you good health and long life! – LHL (MCI Photo by LH Goh)


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