The #yogagirlchallenge is in full swing! Day 3 is tomorrow and the theme is Rise&Shine. What I want you to do is this: get up one hour earlier than you normally do. This is going to be a tough one for me personally because I am not a morning person by nature and love to sleep in. But giving yourself extra time in the morning is so valuable! I always feel so amazing when I make the effort to get up just as the sun is beginning to rise. No one is awake yet, it's perfectly quiet and the sky is showing off that beautiful explosion of color that you only see when it transitions from night to day. Sunrises are magical, wherever you are. Sacred. Tomorrow, get up one hour earlier than you normally do and use that hour to set a beautiful tone for the day ahead. Start off by drinking a cup of hot water with the juice of half a lemon (cleansing the body after a long nights sleep) and take time to wake your body up slowly. I love to burn palo santo, light candles and cuddle with the dogs when no one else is up but me. Do something that nourishes your soul the second you get out of bed. Then - move your body! Go for a run! Walk your puppies! Exercise! Or better yet; why not use this special hour for your yoga and meditation practice to keep it in tune with the 21-day challenge? The first hour of the day can be beautiful and calming or it can be full of stress. Give yourself an extra hour to dedicate just for you and to make sure you have time to get ready with ease. After your yoga practice, set your intention for the day, read a book or the newspaper and prepare a special breakfast for your family. Make a feast! Nothing beats post-yoga breakfast. Keep your phone off until you've left the house and reserve the first part of the day for love☺️❤️ In our house mornings are sacred. I'm going to do my absolute best to get up earlier every day for the full challenge, even when we're traveling. Are you with me? Choose a peaceful alarm for tomorrow, set it an hour early and let's have a magical start of the day! Share a picture of our morning and don't forget to tag @yoga_girl and #yogagirlchallenge ? #love #morning #day3 #riseandshine #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #sacred #dogs

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 8月15日 09時46分

The #yogagirlchallenge is in full swing! Day 3 is tomorrow and the theme is Rise&Shine. What I want you to do is this: get up one hour earlier than you normally do. This is going to be a tough one for me personally because I am not a morning person by nature and love to sleep in. But giving yourself extra time in the morning is so valuable! I always feel so amazing when I make the effort to get up just as the sun is beginning to rise. No one is awake yet, it's perfectly quiet and the sky is showing off that beautiful explosion of color that you only see when it transitions from night to day. Sunrises are magical, wherever you are. Sacred.
Tomorrow, get up one hour earlier than you normally do and use that hour to set a beautiful tone for the day ahead. Start off by drinking a cup of hot water with the juice of half a lemon (cleansing the body after a long nights sleep) and take time to wake your body up slowly. I love to burn palo santo, light candles and cuddle with the dogs when no one else is up but me. Do something that nourishes your soul the second you get out of bed. Then - move your body! Go for a run! Walk your puppies! Exercise! Or better yet; why not use this special hour for your yoga and meditation practice to keep it in tune with the 21-day challenge?
The first hour of the day can be beautiful and calming or it can be full of stress. Give yourself an extra hour to dedicate just for you and to make sure you have time to get ready with ease. After your yoga practice, set your intention for the day, read a book or the newspaper and prepare a special breakfast for your family. Make a feast! Nothing beats post-yoga breakfast. Keep your phone off until you've left the house and reserve the first part of the day for love☺️❤️ In our house mornings are sacred. I'm going to do my absolute best to get up earlier every day for the full challenge, even when we're traveling. Are you with me? Choose a peaceful alarm for tomorrow, set it an hour early and let's have a magical start of the day! Share a picture of our morning and don't forget to tag @レイチェル・ブレイセン and #yogagirlchallenge ?
#love #morning #day3 #riseandshine #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #sacred #dogs


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