Dole Packaged Foods(ドール)のインスタグラム(dolesunshine) - 10月28日 04時20分

A Tropical Candy Corn Cocktail 🎃 | here's how:

🔸 1 cup Coconut cream
🔸 1.5oz Grenadine
🔸 1 cup Dole® 100% Pineapple juice
🔸 2 cups ice
🔸 3 oz white rum, white
🔸 Halloween Sprinkles (optional)

🔸 Mix 1 cup of coconut cream, 1 oz of white rum and 1 cup of ice in a blender until smooth, and set to the side
🔸 Repeat step one with 1 cup of Dole® 100% Pineapple Juice, and set to the side
🔸 Pour out 1.5oz of Grenadine and set to the side
🔸 Using a lime or lemon rim your glass with Halloween sprinkles
🔸 Layer mixes starting with the Dole® 100% Pineapple Juice mix, then Grenadine (pour towards the side for best results), then add the coconut cream mix to the top

🎃 Stay Spooky!

#Dole #PineappleJuice #Halloween #HalloweenRecipe #CocktailRecipe #Cocktail #MixedDrink


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