Be.okinawaのインスタグラム(visitokinawajapan) - 5月20日 18時00分

Yonaguni Island is located just 30 minutes away by air and about four hours by ferry from Ishigaki Island and is Japan’s westernmost island.🏝
About 1,800 people reside on this small island that you can drive around in just about an hour. Some popular sights on Yonaguni include Irizaki, a picturesque spot known as the last place where the sun sets in Japan, Agarizaki where you can encounter the gentle Yonaguni horses, Tachigami-Iwa, the majestic rock formation on the coast, and the mystical diving spot, the famous Underwater Ruins, also known as the Yonaguni Monument. Yonaguni may be a small island, but it certainly has a lot to offer! ✨
The distance and accessibility may have kept you from visiting Yonaguni, but we’re sure that once you visit, you’ll fall in love with this extraordinary island!😊


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