テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 1月4日 10時48分

My first post of 2021 is literally me ranting LOL go figure! But it’s important so please watch/listen. ♥️Plus size/Fat bodies are literally used as props and weaponized against us constantly. We are sold the idea of “good fatties” vs “bad” when the reality is, we don’t owe health to anyone. I am no longer sharing my workouts as proof that I move my body so that it can be used to further perpetuate the toxic way we view and treat larger bodies. No one is more worthy of being loved and accepted just because they workout or have a toned body. My job on this earth is solely to help others come to a place of accepting and hopefully loving their bodies now, that’s it. Whatever you do with your body is your business, no one else’s. What I’m not going to do this year is allow anyone to diminish who I am & my wonderful, beautiful body because they are uncomfortable. Stay uncomfortable. I’ve got work to do. Love y’all. Happy New Year♥️


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