Kate Oliverのインスタグラム(birchandpine) - 11月8日 02時45分

I was buying new running shoes this morning so I can keep training for my marathon, and I got a text on my watch from my friend Vanessa, who I watched the election with in 2016. Four years ago, we cried together as the sobering results set in.

It’s official, she said.

I was shaking. “Oh my god. Ellen, check the news!”

She did. “They’re all reporting it,” she responded, scanning every site as quickly as she could.

Our family got the news in a sporting goods store where we celebrated with other women - BIPOC, white, and queer.

We paid - I bought the damn shoes.

We left and held one another in front of the store, the three of us, and I cried. As we left and drove through town, we cheered with people standing in celebration on their porches.

This is light. This is blue. This is gold.

We did it.

My emotions are strong, and I don’t have all the words. I just know that I’ll be running my marathon under a new President. I will be running it with the shoes I bought in the moment I found out that this nightmare is over.

I don’t have many other words right now.

I’m relieved. I’m joyful. I’m...everything good all at once.

No more despair.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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