シャーロット・ケンプ・ミュールのインスタグラム(charlottekempmuhl) - 10月10日 04時22分

It’s this boy’s birthday. He’s the smartest oddball I’ve ever met, the kindest and gentlest, shreds every single instrument and will school you in neuroscience, history and french cinema. He was raised by strong women and gay icons. Despite enduring childhood trauma and gratuitous hate from sexist strangers who thought his mom broke up the band, he turned into the least cynical adult I know. He has the entire works of Monty Python memorized and gets tears in his eyes when listening to Hendrix. We’ve been best friends since the first day we met and bonded over a shared love of quantum anomalies and diminished chords and wanting to design chandeliers that look like spiders. Love you forever @ショーン・レノン 🕷 🕷🕷


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