ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 8月15日 12時49分

Jack’s first day of Kindergarten was also my first as a mother. Generally I’m a mom who embraces milestones without feeling overwhelmingly sick with bittersweet sadness, but on this day I cried the entire walk home. In Manhattan, you can cry in public and no one bothers you, and so I made those anonymous streets my own lonely -albeit crowded-confessional.

I’ve sent two more children to first days of kindergarten successfully since then. We’d moved back to the familiarity of one story, grassy campuses of California, and aside from the expected tightening in my chest as I left, I knew we were all, in fact, ready and excited to embrace this big, new elementary school journey.

Evangeline started virtual kindergarten yesterday. Her day began with sobs under the desk of our home computer, and continued through the Zoom with her teacher and peers. Her nerves had gotten the best of her, as new situations tend to do to her tender heart.

I’ve been so positive about the distance learning option. The silver linings of not making 5 sack lunches every morning or sitting in carpool traffic, and the great fortune of simply being able to stay safe and healthy at home.

The walls of this house gave way today and I found myself openly weeping as though I was surrounded by familiar strangers on the streets of New York. I sank into the corner of my bedroom, overwhelmed from flying from room to room, fixing Zoom connections and clarifying assignments, finding proper links and poster board and personal meetings with teachers. I completely lost it.

I’d not given myself the chance to grieve the loss of the rite of passage that the start of a new school year brings. I definitely hadn’t prepared myself for the juggle or the logistics on top of the emotional layer of this strange new experience. But the kids, as they do, rolled with it.

Beau saw that Evvie was nervous, and so he held her hand throughout. Zoe scouted out lost supplies and Jack helped us all with technical issues. With new challenges comes growth, and we will all be fine through this new journey. I know this. Today, I’m allowing myself to feel it all and then get ready to do it again on Monday.


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