Bianca Cheah Chalmersのインスタグラム(biancamaycheah) - 7月15日 05時47分

Diastasis Recti of the upper abdomen? Over the past month, I’ve been suffering from horrible back pain and digestive issues 😩, hence my lack of posting to social media. And, even almost a year post-pregnancy and as someone who exercises frequently and eats very clean, my stomach still protrudes like I'm 4 or 5 months pregnant 🤔. I’ve mentioned this before, I took the time for my body to heal, and slowly introduced exercise back into my routine, and I’ve been feeling so strong and good again, but my stomach just won’t budge and now the back pain has started. I don’t know for sure, but I think I may have Diastasis Recti of the UPPER abdomen — but I need to get this properly diagnosed by a therapist. For those reading this who don’t know what it is, it’s a separation of the rectus abdominis muscles .The tissue gets thin and weak, causing the waistline to widen and the belly to bulge forward, to create space for the baby.

I have and will always love my body, but wish to regain the strength of my core, and make sure it is corrected. I know core compression exercises will ultimately bring my belly back into the spine, and I know I need to avoid straining the area with poor posture, crunches and planks (which I have been doing lately). As I begin my journey to repair this with a trained expert, I'll share suggestions with you all along the way.

#DiastasisRecti #postbabybody #motherhood #diastasisrectirepair #momlife #postpartumbody


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