マリヤ・コロレバのインスタグラム(mkoroleva) - 7月10日 09時18分

I am incredibly sad and disappointed in Stanford’s announcement yesterday of their decision to cut 11 varsity athletic programs, including synchronized swimming. For the last 24 hours I’ve been trying to gather my thoughts but to be honest, I'm still processing the gravity and implications of this decision...

My time as a student-athlete at Stanford made me the person I am today. I was challenged like never before, in the classroom and in the pool. I truly grew up on the Farm, from a naive, self-conscious girl to a confident, passionate young woman who knows her self-worth and place in this world. None of that would have been possible without the Stanford Synchronized Swimming program.

I am forever grateful to Stanford University for the opportunity to earn a Bachelor degree while pursuing my dream of competing at the Olympic Games. I am forever grateful for the lessons, the experiences, and the friendships. Yesterday’s announcement does change that.

However, I wouldn’t be staying true to myself if I didn’t voice my disappointment in the way this decision was made and communicated. I was shocked to hear that the affected athletes and coaches were notified of the news less than an hour before the public. In my opinion, this is a pretty insensitive way to drop a bomb like this on student-athletes whose athletic careers will be drastically impacted.

Stanford prides itself on its academic and athletic excellence. The achievements of Stanford students and alums on the NCAA and Olympic stages make for a great marketing vehicle for the University. No other school has such high academic standards AND athletic accolades. No wonder the number of applicants keeps going up every year!

With the constant emphasis on Stanford's ability to produce top athletes across so many different sports, it's hard for me to believe that there was no other way to solve the budget deficit issue in the athletic department. I won't pretend to fully understand the structures and processes of the University and Stanford Athletics. But when I see new construction projects, enhancements and costly investments on campus year after year and then hear that they (continued in comments...)


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