Kate Oliverのインスタグラム(birchandpine) - 3月27日 01時43分

Having a hard time in the kitchen. A place of joy and calm for me usually, now I worry about quantity. I worry about going to buy more groceries. Will we get sick because we have to nourish ourselves? Are we eating too much? Are we eating too little? What’s right, what’s wrong? When is the right time to go to the grocery? What can we order online (out where we are - nothing fresh - no grocery delivery way out here)? Will we lose too much weight if we ration so our kiddo can eat as she goes through this current growth spurt? Will we gain too much if I bake too many sweets or bread? What to eat? How?
I don’t have any answers to all of the questions that run through my head, so I’m just gonna make good food anyway, and be thankful we have it for now.


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