サディク・ハドゾビックのインスタグラム(sadikhadzovic) - 1月20日 00時59分

Having a great training partner can really help take your training to the next level. However, depending on what goals are, you want to make sure the person you’re training with is on the same wavelength and will help you get closer to what you’d like to accomplish. Here are 3 things I look for in a training partner: ⁣

1. THEIR ENERGY: This is big to look for. It is critical that you lift with someone who bring the absolute best out of you, and vice versa. The gym is my livelihood and the highlight of my day, and if I am lifting with someone who makes me feel positive and that I can feel helps me get to that next level, I will always gravitate towards them, and vice versa with someone who I don’t feel brings the best out of me.⁣⁣
2. THEIR GOALS: I work best with people who have similar goals to myself. As a professional bodybuilder, I have to push myself to extreme levels in order to get a fraction better from time to time, and being around someone who also understands this mindset meshes well to work with me. I also love being around people who’s goals are bigger than mine. People often tend to shy away from people who are better than them because they’re insecure and let their ego get in the way. STOP LETTING THIS HOLD YOU BACK! If someone is better than you, then they clearly have done something to get to that next level, so gravitate TOWARDS THEM!⁣⁣
3. THEIR FOCUS: I don’t go into the gym to mess around, I go to get work done. Plain and simple. That’s the only way to get better, and I look for a partner who also understands that. Don’t get me wrong, I still have fun with it, and joke around, but my main goal at the end of the day is to be a champion, so I must have a partner that treats it as such.⁣

✉️ E-mail me for help: Coach@sadikfitness.com


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