キム・ジャインのインスタグラム(allezjain) - 12月4日 15時17分

This year, I have been running so hard every moment for the Olympics.

After the unexpected finger injury, nothing was easy for me. However, I trained diligently because I didn’t want to disappoint myself. For that reason, I don’t regret for what I did, but I feel sorry for the people who supported and encouraged me.

The hardest things to bear after I failed to be qualified for the Olympics at Toulouse qualifying round were my thoughts. Though I was exhausted at times, I’ve been patiently enduring it for one goal. Now I am thinking whether it is worth doing it all over again for the one last ticket that is left at the Asian Championship. What will be there after all?

The very fact that I have to compete against my lovely friends (that are like my sisters) is too much to take. I am also exhausted by the Combine competition as I already been pushing myself so hard for it.

Even though I don’t have natural talent for it, I did better than I expected. In addition to that, I always have been climbing because I enjoyed it, and I didn’t want to allow that happy memory to be judged based on the Combine result.

“Why do I have to put all my efforts for the Combine game, and be hurt by it?”
“Why did I want the Olympics? What for?”
“Maybe I should stop climbing for the combine category, and do the real climbing which I truly love.”
Thinking about these, I was so confused and sad for the past few days...

After going through so many thoughts and much emotions, I decided that I will go until the end of this challenge ahead of me.
I am not sure what I should do or can do for the next 5 months until the Asian Championship.
And I’m really not sure if I can be an Olympian at the end.
Whatever the result might be, I feel that I should finish and wrap up my challenge until the very end.

There were so many people supporting me until the end of my last competition this year. I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



